.NET Programming Monthly Issue 5 - Blazor, Clean Architecture, Unity, Unit Testing, Dependency Injection

You can find many resources and sample projects about Blazor, ASP.NET Core, a post about Unit Testing with Zenject in Unity, a discussion about Unity project architecture, and a must-read book for those who are interested in Dependency Injection.

0x00 Blazor - app building workshop

  • Blazor is a single-page app framework for building client-side web apps using .NET and WebAssembly. In this workshop we will build a complete Blazor app and learn about the various Blazor framework features along the way.

0x01 Blazor - CarChecker

  • A sample Blazor WebAssembly application that includes authentication, in-browser data storage, offline support, localization, responsive layouts, and more. .

0x02 Modern Web UI with Blazor WebAssembly

  • Modern web development is here with Blazor! Be productive building beautiful interactive UI with .NET and C# that runs on any device via WebAssembly. PWAs, authentication, debugging, +more.

0x03 Awesome Blazor

  • Resources for Blazor, a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly. The resources include Sample Projects, Tutorials, Videos, Articles, Book, EBook, etc.

0x04 Practical ASP.NET Core

  • The goal of this project is to enable .NET programmers to learn the new ASP.NET Core stack from the ground up directly from code. There is so much power in the underlying ASP.NET Core stack. Don’t miss them! Readme contains explanations on all projects.

0x05 Game Programmer Resume Tips

  • “Here, I will go over actual resumes I’ve used in the past and provide some top tips from myself and @mike_acton who hired me at Insomniac Games in 2016 and then at Unity in 2018. These tips are intended for students with a programming background who would like to get their first job in the game industry. The goal is to provide advice to hone your resume so that you get a call back for a phone screen instead of being ignored.”

0x06 Clean Architecture Solution Template for Angular 9 and .NET Core 3.1

  • This is a solution template for creating a Single Page App (SPA) with Angular and ASP.NET Core following the principles of Clean Architecture. Create a new project based on this template by clicking the above Use this template button or by installing and running the associated NuGet package (see Getting Started for full details).

0x07 Unit testing Unity and UniRX with Zenject and Moq

  • This post barely scratches the surface of unit testing, but it has hopefully given you the tools to create them in Unity using some great technology like UniRX and Zenject.

0x08 A better architecture for Unity projects

  • “After working six months on the remake of Diamond Dash with Unity I can say that I learned quite a lot from the engineers at Wooga on top of self reflection. I often learned the soft way, but also the hard way. In any case, after experienced more successes than failures I present my perspective on how a great architecture could look like.”

0x09 Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns

  • Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns is a revised and expanded edition of the bestselling classic Dependency Injection in .NET. It teaches you DI from the ground up, featuring relevant examples, patterns, and anti-patterns for creating loosely coupled, well-structured applications. The well-annotated code and diagrams use C# examples to illustrate principles that work flawlessly with modern object-oriented languages and DI libraries.

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Jiadong Chen
Cloud Architect/Senior Developer

Cloud Architect at Company-X | Microsoft MVP, MCT | Azure Certified Solutions Architect & Cybersecurity Architect Expert | Member of .NET Foundation | Packt Author ㅣ Opinions = my own.

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