
Using The Geometry Shader To Implement Model Explosion Effect

This article will show you how to use the geometry shader to turn the Stanford Armadillo model into sand.

Using The Geometry Shader In Unity To Generate Countless Of Grass On GPU

This is an English translation of a blog I wrote in Chinese in 2017. Although the original blog was a few years ago, I found this article very interesting, so I decided to translate it into English. You can find the Github Repo Link at the end of this Post. When displaying a realistic rural scene in a game, the rendering of grass is essential, and when it comes to efficient rendering of grass, many people will think of Chapter 7 of GPU Gems, “Chapter 7.

How To Select The Graphics API Based On The Current Android Device Through Custom UnityPlayerActivity File

With more and more Android phones supporting both GLES and Vulkan, mobile game developers often face a problem, can we select which Graphics API to use when the game is launched on a specific device?

How to Render 10,000 Animated Characters With 20 Draw Calls in Unity

This post was first published at Medium This is an English translation of a blog I wrote in Chinese in 2017. Although the original blog was a few years ago, I found this article very interesting, so I decided to translate it into English. 0x00 Introduction I think a lot of game developers hope that the more objects they can render in their scene, the better.

Using Trygetcomponent Instead of Getcomponent to Avoid Memory Allocation in the Editor

If you are a Unity developer, you may find that memory allocation in the editor when you call GetComponent() to query for a component that doesn’t exist. Just like the screenshot below.

A Solution to Sprite Atlas Are Duplicated Into Other Asset Bundles

There is a common issue with sprite atlas and asset bundles before Unity 2018.4.6. That is, when using sprite atlas and asset bundle, the sprite atlas texture may be duplicated into other asset bundles. You can find the issue here. This article will discuss how to solve this issue.

iOS Memory Deep Dive for Unity Developers

The main content includes analyzing the memory management of the iOS system, using the Instrument to view the memory status of a Unity game, and using the command line tools to dig deep into the memory problems in a Unity game.

Using Android Studio to Profile the Unity App on the Android Platform

In fact, the current Android Studio already provides a good profiler tool for the Android platform.

How to Use Xcode to Find Out the Shader Code Bug?

I write this article to record the process of debugging this issue. At the same time, this article will also introduce how to use Xcode tools to debug shader code to find existing rendering bugs.

Don't ignore the side effect of Managed code stripping

After Unity 2018.3, the new `Managed Stripping Level` option replaces the old `Stripping Level` option in the player settings. This new option is available for all platforms and both Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends. The main purpose of this feature is to reduce the size of the app by removing some unused code. It sounds great, but there is a potential side effect. How does Unity know which code is unused code?