Understand what makes Unity the world's most widely used real-time 3D development platform and explore its powerful features for creating 3D and 2D games, as well as the Unity game engine and the Microsoft Game Dev, including the Microsoft Azure …
As a developer, I'm keen to know more about this interesting platform from a developer's perspective. So the following are the information I collected and some idea I want to share with you.
Using GPU to implement large-amount animated characters rendering. The animation map for vertex shader to modify the vertex position of the mesh at runtime. Using GPU instancing to reduce draw calls.
Using #Azure, #Unity, and #Intel RealSense Camera to pixelate the character, and use voice to control background videos in live streaming. Check it out!
The world has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Medical staff around the world have shown bravery and resilience in the fight against COVID-19, and some even sacrificed their lives while performing their duties. As an ordinary person, as a programmer, I also want to help. Therefore, using AI to try to help diagnose lung diseases, such as viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, is an idea that I am interested in trying.
There are some mistakes that may make you feel bad when developing an AR app. This post will detail 4 common mistakes that cause the AR application to display a black screen on your phone.