.NET Programming Weekly Issue 1 - January 05, 2020

0x00 Coming in 2020: .NET 5, The Next Phase of Microsoft’s .NET Framework

  • Microsoft has said the first .NET 5 preview is expected in the first half of 2020 combining separate source code streams such as .NET Framework, the existing .NET Core and Xamarin/Mono, and including components such as ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.

0x01 Unit testing best practices with .NET Core and .NET Standard

  • Summarizes the benefits of unit test.
  • The difference between the term “mock” and the term “stub".(There is a great article on this subject by Martin Fowler1)
  • Summarizes the best practices for unit testing.

0x02 Setup a modern JavaScript TDD environment with VS Code

  • This post introduces a set of plugins in VS Code to work with tests.
  • The Open Spec File extension helps to open your tests in an adjacent tab.
  • The Coverage Gutters highlights coverage of your code with tests.
  • And more plugins.

0x03 The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks

  • It’s a living document that is a reference for all known front end JavaScript frameworks.
  • Each framework has a section that explains the rationale for the framework, it’s pros and cons and some additional learning resources.

0x04 .NET Core 2.2 will reach End of Life on December 23, 2019

  • .NET Core 2.2 was released on December 4, 2018. As a non-LTS (“Current”) release, it is supported for three months after the next release. .NET Core 3.0 was released on September 23, 2019. As a result, .NET Core 2.2 is supported until December 23, 2019.

0x05 Measuring Performance Improvements in .NET Core with BenchmarkDotNet

  • This article explains why BenchmarkDotNet2 can be a good choice for performance measurements.
  • Reimplement benchmarks of Stephen Toub3 with the help of BenchmarkDotNet.

  1. Mocks Aren’t Stubs ↩︎

  2. BenchmarkDotNet ↩︎

  3. Performance Improvements in .NET Core ↩︎

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Jiadong Chen
Cloud Architect/Senior Developer

Cloud Architect at Company-X | Microsoft MVP, MCT | Azure Certified Solutions Architect & Cybersecurity Architect Expert | Member of .NET Foundation | Packt Author ㅣ Opinions = my own.

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